Yoga is an ancient practice which transforms our mind, body, and soul in a right direction. The researchers said that ancient yoga is more useful and beneficial than the modernised way of exercising. Everyone loves to be at peace so, there is 10 yoga poses for every beginner to start with. It is interesting to chant for your body and mind to keep yourself at peace in this hustle-bustle life. If you want to chant the mantras, meditate and improve your breathing then Kundalini Yoga is the best for the body. Rishikesh offers the best Kundalini Yoga teacher training. Everyone love mountains and yoga connects with us religiously as well. The Yoga retreats in Rishikesh provides you with the best re-treatment to your soul. The beginning is always good, so there are
Top 10 yoga poses for every beginner are as follows:
[enlighten_procolumn_wrap] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]1) Touch the ground (Uttaasana): The pose to touch the ground is the pose which makes you lean in forwarding Remember to keep your spine straight and open up your hands up in the sky. Yoga processes slowly, so slowly bring your hands forward and touch the ground. Keep in mind to keep your body posture as directed. This pose helps to keep our spine intact.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]2) Balance like a tree (Vrksasana): So this is really awesome and easy pose for the beginner. It also devotes the body to the sun. Many yogis when going on a meditative yatra up in the mountain follow this pose. To follow this pose you need to stand straight and first put your right leg in a triangle position touching the side of the knees of your left leg. Now position your hands in Namaskar position and it’s It helps you to balance your mind and also increases the concentration
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]3) Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1): To be a warrior, you need to follow this pose. Pose by stepping your right foot forward and keeping your left foot straight in alignment with the right one. Bent the right leg knee and keep your hand open pointing towards the sky. This posed helps you to keep your body posture intact.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]4) Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2): Almost similar to the previous pose, this is the second method for beginners. In this case, form a same warrior 1 position and remember to keep your hands in the opposite direction mainly in front rather than keeping parallel up in the Inhale and exhale when you do this pose.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]5) Child pose (Balasana): It is the relaxing position. You hail to the king as your body gets forward. Bent your knees and sit. Widen your legs parallel to the shoulders and bring your hands forward to lean your body. This pose helps you to relax your muscles and if you need a flat tummy try it out.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]6) Plank it up (Kumbhakasana): This asana or the pose of yoga will help you balance your arms and make your abdominal muscles stronger. Lie upside down and relax your body. Lift your body up in a straight line by resting the weight of your arms completely on Keep your body in line and lift it above the ground and hold.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]7) Cobra pose (Bhujangasana): This pose prepares for greater back flexibility and reduces back pain. Lie upside down and lift just your hands with your neck. Try to look at the back of your body and stretch more. Increase your stretching day by day to pose like an expert. Be a cobra every day, try this yoga pose.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]8) Low lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana): It forms a pose like a crescent moon. It has the best work to balance the body and makes the muscle stronger. Put your right foot forward and keep your left foot in the same alignment to the right. Bend the knees of the right leg and bring your left leg very much closer to the ground. Stretch your arms and body to perform it well.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]9) Lift up your buttocks (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): This pose of yoga is also known as the bridge pose. Lift up your buttocks by lying straight on the mat. Bend your legs and lift yourself. Hold as much as you can repeat for better performance and results. Easy to lift and easy to pose. This pose helps you reduce the chest and thigh pain.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]10) Semi-Squat pose (Utkatasana): This pose is also known as the chair pose in yoga. All you need to squat and hold yourself. Pose in a position as if you are pulling a chair and making your butts Squat a little and be like a chair for a day. You will feel exhausted at once by your pain in your abdomen but in the end it will helps you to increase the strength of your body. Stretch your arms in front and pose. A good pose for a beginner.
[/enlighten_procolumn] [enlighten_procolumn span=”3″]These 10 Yoga poses for a beginner will help him/her to relax their mind. Develop your body posture in a right direction. It also relaxes our mind and soul, keeps us away from the chaotic modern lifestyle. Follow these poses daily in the morning and exhale and inhale the fresh air.
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